患者李××,女,19岁,住院号1494。因患肺结核二年余治疗不愈,于1973年8月28日住本院,入院诊断为双侧浸润型肺结核、右中、下及左上空洞形成,痰结核菌阳性。给以1NH0.1g及TB_125mg3/日口服,S M0.5g肌注2/日,治疗3个月后症状减轻,体温降至正常,胸片显示病灶吸收好转,空洞缩小。停用SM,给以PAS8g静脉滴注,每日一次(余药未
Patient Lee × ×, female, 19 years old, hospital number 1494. Due to treatment of tuberculosis more than two years of treatment unhealed, August 28, 1973 to live in our hospital, admitted to hospital for diagnosis of bilateral infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, right middle and lower left and left cavity formation, positive sputum TB. Give 1NH0.1g and TB_125mg3 / day orally, S M0.5g intramuscular injection 2 / day, 3 months after treatment, symptoms reduced, the body temperature dropped to normal, the chest X-ray showed lesions improved absorption, cavity shrinkage. Disable SM, give PAS8g intravenous drip once a day (more than drug