一、Abigail Gelb Fruzza等报告的病例一女婴生后通过纸片法行新生儿疾病筛查时被诊断为先天性甲状腺功能减低症(TSH=167μIU/ml),生后6天开始口服左旋甲状腺素50μg/d(15μg/kg)治疗,因胞兄被诊断乳糖不耐受症而改用豆奶喂养。3周龄首诊时其母反映患儿较胞兄同龄时哭声弱,纳差,需要唤醒才进食,吸吮无力。保健医对患儿进行评估时发现其体重3400 g,位于同龄女婴的第19百分位,同时伴肌张力减低、轻度黄
First, Abigail Gelb Fruzza and other reported cases of a baby after birth through the paper screening of neonatal disease screening was diagnosed as congenital hypothyroidism (TSH = 167μIU / ml), 6 days after birth, oral administration of left thyroid 50μg / d (15μg / kg) treatment, because the brother was diagnosed lactose intolerance and use soy milk instead. 3 weeks of age when the first visit to their mother when the mother reflects the same age than the brother cry crying, anorexia, need to wake up before eating, sucking weakness. Health care physicians to assess the children found that its body weight 3400 g, located in the 19th percentile of the same age baby girl, accompanied by reduced muscle tension, mild yellow