课间午后,经常会有一些孩子站在教师办公桌前,或补做作业,或订正练习。我曾多次与这些孩子在门口相遇,见他们一脸疲倦,目光呆滞,多数时候连我们都懒得看上一眼。此情此景,可悲可叹。几年前,这些孩子可都是脸蛋红红、面带微笑走进学校大门的,是什么让他们丧失了应有的活力与欢乐? 我以为,都是“补短”惹的“祸”。诚然,学生知识掌握不牢固,能力发展不均衡,
In the afternoon of classes, there are often some children standing at the teacher's desk or doing homework or revising exercises. I have met these children many times at the door to see them look tired, dull, and most of the time even we are too lazy to take a look. This scene, sad and sarcastic. A few years ago, these children could all be red-faced faces. When they walked into the school gate with a smile, what made them lose their vitality and happiness? I think they are “curses” to make up for the shortcomings. It is true that students' knowledge is not strong enough and their ability is not balanced.