那年我14岁,偏激且易冲动的年龄。一天课间,在我兴趣十足地欣赏着一本武侠小说时,一个外号叫“黑蛋”的同学三番五次地跟我捣蛋。于是我学书中的英雄,一拳打破了对方的鼻头。班主任李老师看见黑蛋一脸鲜血抽泣不止,便很气愤地给了我一顿痛斥。可我觉得自己更应该气愤:又不是我先惹他的,凭什么只责骂我?还不是我成绩差! 当晚,我拿了父母200元钱,留了一封“大丈夫不出人头地绝不回家”的信,悄悄登上了开往深圳的火车。到了深圳我才体验到,这个大人口中遍地是黄金的城市,对于一个一没证件二无本领的毛头少年来说,无异于渺无生机的茫茫大沙漠。在我快饿倒路边的时候,幸好遇到了以捡破烂为生的善良老人黄伯。以后的日子,我便开始了整天低着头满街满
I was 14 years old that year, extreme and impulsive age. One day class, when I am interested in enjoying a martial arts novel, a nicknamed “black egg” classmates repeatedly mischief with me. So I learn the book hero, a punch broke each other’s nose. Teacher Li saw the black egg a look of blood sobbing, it was very angry to give me a meal denounced. But I feel I should be more angry: I was not the first to provoke him, why only scolded me? Not my poor grades! That night, I took the parents 200 dollars, leaving a "big man never come back never go home Letter, quietly boarded the train bound for Shenzhen. When I arrived in Shenzhen, I learned that this large population is a golden city all over the world. For a featherless teenager who does not have a certificate, he is tantamount to a vast expanse of desert. When I was fast hungry down the road, but fortunately encountered a good old man to pick up rags Huang Bo. In the days after, I began to head down the streets all day