Class E tuned power amplifiers consist of a load network and a transistor that switches at the output frequency. The simplest load network is composed of a capacitor in parallel with the transistor and a series tuned output circuit with residual reactance. The operation of the circuit depends on the transistor when the transistor is on, depending on the transient nature of the load network when the transistor is off. The basic equations for the operation of the amplifier are derived from the Fourier analysis and the assumption of a high Q value. Therefore, these equations are usually used to determine the best use of components (efficiency of 100%) straight component. Second, it is also used to determine the efficiency of 100% duty cycle and component values of a set of the best parameters. This paper also analyzes the harmonic structure of the collector voltage waveform and discusses other configurations of class E amplifiers. These analyzes can be used directly to guide the design of efficient power amplifiers, as well as to provide insight into how the latest solid-state VHF and UHF tuned power amplifiers work.