The Al2O3 hydrogels with different morphologies and crystal structures were prepared by multi-jet hydrogen-oxygen combustion reactor with AlCl3 as precursor. The morphology, crystal structure, specific surface area and particle size distribution were characterized. Flame combustion mode and the maximum temperature of the reaction zone on the properties of the particles.The results show that with the increase of the reaction temperature, the particle size of Al2O3 grows continuously and the morphology gradually changes from the irregular particles with chain structure to the good dispersibility Of the spherical particles; at the same time with the reaction temperature and residence time in the flame at high temperature, the crystalline form gradually transformed from simple γ phase δ and δ * phase nano-Al2O3 particles have strong hydrophilic properties, the dispersion has more Good stability.The mechanism of the growth of particles and agglomerates during rapid reaction at high temperature was discussed.The particle size and aggregate morphology of the final product were determined by the competition of the main influence conditions.