古往今来,商场之上,利用竞争对手之失误夸大其辞者有之,更有甚者乃制造出一些与事实相背的信息,欲置对手于死地。不过,假的终归是假的,至多不过蒙骗人们一时,而绝非一世。 如今,竞争几达白热化的计算机市场,各路厂商为了抢占商机,更是使尽浑身解数,手段无所不用其极。 最近,两家网络生产厂商又起争执,亦牵扯了第三方厂商,是非曲直,一时难以定论。不过,随着时间的推移,人们终于看见了事实真相。 “当我们4月6 日翻译和发出‘Chipcom股票下跌10%成为InterOp重大新闻’的消息时,我们已经风闻IBM将与Chipcom分手,今天果然成为事实。”这是Bay Networks中国分销商
From ancient times to the present day, on the marketplace, using competitors’ mistakes to exaggerate what they have, there is even something that creates information that is contrary to the facts and wants to set the opponent to death. However, falsehood is false at the end. At most, it deceives the people for a time, but it is by no means unique. Nowadays, with a few competitive computer markets, each manufacturer is trying its best to seize the opportunities and do everything in its power. Recently, the two network manufacturers have renewed their disputes and also involved third-party vendors. However, over time, people finally saw the truth. “When we translated and issued a message on April 6th that Chipcom shares fell 10% to become a major news for InterOp, we have already heard that IBM will break up with Chipcom. Today, it became a fact.” This is a distributor of Bay Networks China.