曾任外经贸部部长、现任政治局候补委员、国务委员的吴仪是中国官职最高的女性。然而,认识她的人都知道她喜欢自称“小女子”,她常常说的话是:“小女子豁出去了……” “小女子有泪不轻弹……” “小女子不在乎你这个!” 这个刚柔并济、才智过人的“小女子”,从炼油厂的技术员、科长、副厂长、党委书记,到北京市副市长、外经贸部副部长、部长,再到国务委员,备受中外各界瞩目。 突击采访中,她令记者拍案叫好;国际谈判桌上,她令对手又怕又敬。这位自称“小女子”的单身
Wu Yi, former Minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation and currently an alternate member of the Politburo and a member of the State Council, is the woman with the highest official position in China. However, people who know her know she likes to call themselves “little girl”, and she often says: “The little girl fights away ...” “The little girl does not fare ...” “The little girl does not care about you!” From the refinery technician, section chief, deputy factory director and party secretary, to the deputy mayor and vice minister of foreign trade and economic cooperation of Beijing Municipality, deputy minister and minister of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, to the state councilor, Much attention from both home and abroad. In an assault interview, she told reporters to applaud the reporter; at the international negotiating table, she made her opponent afraid and respectful. The self-proclaimed “little girl” single