Combined Argon and Nd: YAG Laser Peripheral Iridectomy: A New Approach in Clinical Practice

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Purpose: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of combind argon and Nd: YAG laser peripheral iridectomy.Methods: 151 cases (200 eyes) of primary angle-closure glaucoma and combined glaucoma were treated by combined procedure. Argon laser was the first used to create partial iridectomy in 2/3-3/4 thickness without penetrating pigmented epithelium, and then Nd: YAG laser was required to complete a patent iridectomy. Results: A successful iridectomy was achieved in all patients independent of any type of irides (100%). Iris penetration rate in one session presented in 95. 0%. Complications appeared to be less common in our patients: iris bleeding was only seen in 5. 0% cases; the postoperative inflammation was mild; corneal burns, lecalized lenticular opacities and closure of iridectomies were less frequent. The follow-up ranged from 3m to 6. 5 years. The success rate in controling IOP with/ without medications were 99. 0% except 2 eyes failur. No attack occured in 129 eyes with prophylatic laser therapy duri Purpose: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of combind argon and Nd: YAG laser peripheral iridectomy. Methods: 151 cases (200 eyes) of primary angle-closure glaucoma and combined glaucoma were treated by combined procedure. Argon laser was the first used to create partial Results: A successful iridectomy was achieved in all patients independent of any type of irides (100%). Iris penetration rate in one session presented in 95.0%. Complications to be less common in our patients: iris bleeding was only seen in 5. 0% cases; the postoperative inflammation was mild; corneal burns, lecalized lenticular opacities and closure of The follow-up ranged from 3m to 6. 5 years. The success rate in controling IOP with / without medications were 99. 0% except 2 eyes failur. No attack occured in 129 eyes with prophylatic laser therapy duri
计算机技术正在迅速改变着我们生活的各个方面,现代工业生产中如果没有计算机技术简直是不可以想象的,从这个角度来看工业的发展,我们称之为 Computer technology is rapidl
电磁轴承系统动态性能好坏取决于所用的控制器 ,主动控制可使电磁轴承实现复杂和特殊控制。目前采用的传统模拟控制器仅在一定程度上满足了电磁轴承系统的性能 ,但要实现复杂
摘要:分析了学生学习电力专业英语的态度,从学生功利性、从众性心理的角度对电力专业英语教学进行了探析,并提出了与学生心理相适应的教学方法。  关键词:功利性;从众性;心理;教学实践  作者简介:徐林菊(1984-),女,河南卫辉人,三峡大学电气与新能源学院,助教。(湖北 宜昌 443002)  中图分类号:G642.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1007-0079(2014)02-0264-02  