
来源 :社区医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ztldkd
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目的探索潍坊市老年社区护理服务的策略措施。方法本文在文献研究的基础上对潍坊市社区的1 208名老年人进行问卷调查,调查老年人对社区护理服务的知晓情况、利用情况和满意度情况。结果 1 208名老年人中,了解社区护理服务有741人(61.3%),其中25.4%(188/741)表示对社区护理服务非常了解;67.9%(503/741)认为社区护理服务对改变生活方式和疾病的预防治疗非常有帮助。655人(54.2%)在有护理需求时首选社区卫生服务中心。994人(82.3%)对社区护理人员的服务质量表示满意;842人(69.7%)认为社区卫生服务中心收费价格比较便宜。有467人(38.7%)对社区护理服务不了解。其中170人(14.1%)表示没听说过社区护理服务;388人(32.1%)认为社区护理服务对其个人帮助很少甚至没有帮助。553人(45.8%)表示有护理需求时选择社区服务站以外的医疗机构。结论利用SWOT分析法,可识别潍坊市开展社区老年护理服务存在的机遇与挑战,并对开展老年社区护理服务提出供选择的策略措施。 Objective To explore the strategies and measures for elderly community nursing service in Weifang City. Methods Based on the literature research, this paper conducted a survey of 1,208 seniors in Weifang community to investigate the elderly awareness, utilization and satisfaction with community care services. Results Of the 1 208 elderly people, 741 (61.3%) were aware of community care services, of which 25.4% (188/741) said they had a good understanding of community care services and 67.9% (503/741) thought that community care services had the effect of changing life Way and disease prevention and treatment is very helpful. 655 (54.2%) preferred community health centers when there is a need for care. 994 (82.3%) were satisfied with the quality of service provided by community nurses and 842 (69.7%) considered community health centers cheaper. 467 (38.7%) did not understand community care services. Of these, 170 (14.1%) said they had not heard of community care services and 388 (32.1%) thought community care services did little or no to their personal help. 553 (45.8%) said they had to choose a healthcare facility outside the community service when there was a need for nursing care. Conclusion The SWOT analysis method can identify opportunities and challenges in carrying out community-based aged care services in Weifang City and propose alternative strategies and measures for carrying out elderly community care services.
目的 :了解普陀区老年人长期照护服务需求的现状及其影响因素,为制定《普陀区区域卫生规划(2014—2020年)》提供依据。方法 :按地理位置、年龄构成在全区分层抽取3 600名60岁