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2012年秋季,四川大学考古实习队在武胜县开展田野实习期间,调查了该县桃源村北一处圆形石室,发现石室内壁及顶部均雕饰精美图像,随后对其进行测绘。石室开凿于崖壁,平面呈圆形,洞口暴露在外。石室下部凿出一圈平台,洞口有门槛石,底面向门外倾斜,有排水槽。石室内壁雕刻为一条连续的纹饰带。纹饰带两端为高山,山上有古树、飞瀑、深潭、草庐。山腰之间以石带相连,石带上雕饰5组图像,描绘赏画、奏乐、弈棋、读书等场景,分别以树木奇石作为间隔。石室顶部雕刻缠枝牡丹、如意云纹等图像。结合石室构建方式、形制、图像以及区位,我们推测这是一座宋元时期的崖墓,也不排除其是道教信众修行或士人读书的静室。桃源洞石室以其独特的形制和图像内涵,体现出较高的艺术水平,丰富了宋元时期四川地区的文化遗存内容和研究资料。 In the fall of 2012, the archaeological internship team at Sichuan University conducted a field practice in Wusheng County and investigated the circular stone room in the northern part of Taoyuan Village in the county. It found beautiful pictures of the inner walls and the top of the stone room, which were subsequently mapped. Stone chamber cut in the cliff, the plane was circular, hole exposed. The lower part of the stone chamber was carved into a circle of platform, the threshold stone, the bottom tilt to the outside, there are drains. Stone wall carved into a continuous motif band. Decorative bands at both ends of the mountain, there are ancient trees, waterfalls, deep pools, Caolu. Stone belt connected between the mountainside, stone carved 5 groups of images, depicting the tours, music, chess, reading and other scenes, respectively, as the tree rocks as the interval. Carved on the top of the stone chamber pendants, wishful moire and other images. Combined with the construction of stone room, shape, image and location, we speculate that this is a Song and Yuan Dynasties cliffs, it does not rule out the Taoist practitioners or scholars to study quiet room. Taoyuan Cave Stone Room with its unique shape and image connotation, reflecting the higher artistic level, enriching the cultural relics and research materials in Sichuan during the Song and Yuan Dynasties.
【正】 “七五”计划建议明确指出:“鉴于当前的建设规模已经过大,1986、1987两年的固定资产投资规模大体维持1985年的水平,后三年再根据实际情况适当追加”。并要求:“在控
【正】 目前,积极参加国际分工和国际交换,大胆加入国际竞争的战幕已经在宏大的空间展开,而广东省的佛山市,已经成了这场“现代化战争”的先遣军。一、佛山的崛起佛山位于广
【正】 季节变动是指某些社会经济现象受自然条件和社会条件的影响,在一个年度内随着季节变化而产生的具有周期性的变动。季节变动的测定,除了直接平均法、移动平均趋势消除
【正】 我国固定资产投资规模连续几年出现膨胀。1982年利1983年每年都比上年增加100亿元以上,而1984年又比1993年猛增233亿元,增长24.5%。今年以来,固定资产投资规模急剧增长