不是价格越低越好 许多人在选择旅行社时误认为价格越便宜越好。这是不完全正确的。 其实,价格与质量有着密切的关系,别看旅行社之间的价格有时相差几百元甚至上千元,它们都与旅行商品的内容、质量联系在一起。有的游客图便宜,只看表面上少付几百元,殊不知,待你上路以后,这费也不包,那费也未含,都要追加,累计一算反而更贵。所以,在横向比较旅行社价格的同时,还要比较其所提供的服务内容,看看价质是否相等,避免因直观价格过低
Not the lower the price the better Many people mistakenly believe that the cheaper the price the better. This is not entirely correct. In fact, the price and quality are closely related, do not look at the price difference between travel agencies sometimes a few hundred dollars or even a thousand dollars, they are linked with the content of travel products, quality. Some tourist map cheaper, only to see the surface to pay a few hundred dollars, as everyone knows, until you go on the road, this fee is not included, that fee is not included, must be added, the cumulative cost of a more expensive. Therefore, comparing the price of travel agencies in the horizontal, but also compare the services provided by their content to see whether the price is equal to avoid the visual price is too low