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内容简介:《水浒传》是我国四大古典名著之一。讲述了北宋末年一群侠肝义胆的英雄好汉聚义梁山,;行走江湖的故事。他们原本有着不同的身份和地位,但大都因时局所迫,走投无路,投奔梁山,落草为 Introduction: Outlaws of the Marsh is one of the four classic works in China. Tells the story of the late Northern Song Dynasty a group of heroic heroic Liangshan righteousness, the story of walking rivers and lakes. Originally, they had different identities and status. However, most of them were forced by the current situation and desperate to go to Liangshan for grazing
“男人也要坐月子”如果有人这么说,不要以为这是天方夜谭,也不要认为是现代基因工程的科学实验,人类历史上或许真的出现过这种现象。女人生孩子后,坐月子的不是女人而是她的丈夫,民俗学上把这一现象称为“产翁制”。  战国时期楚国的大诗人屈原在其《天问》中发出这样的疑问:“伯禹愎鲧,夫何以变化?”“愎”通“腹”,这句话是说:大禹是从鲧的肚子里生出来的。一个男人怎么能生孩子呢?屈原是根据我国古代“伯禹愎鲧 ”