
来源 :临床肾脏病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zybmc
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The measured spectrum for Storm 149 from North Alwyn is calculated by use of FFT (Fast Fourier Transformation) arithmetic and its statistical characteristics ar
<正> 随着轻工产品的发展,商品供应大部缓和,买方市场已经形成。我区百货零售商业,出现销售下降,库存上升,资金周转缓慢,经济效益越来越差的局面。直接影响了信贷资金的使用
A nonlinear dispersion relation is presented to model the nonlinear dispersion of waves over the whole range of possi ble water depths ,It reduces the phase spe
<正> 最近,我市人、农两行联合对我市农村结算进行了一次调查,调查结果表明,当前银行结算与农村经济发展的形势很不适应,亟待改革。一、转帐结算和现金结算的比例发生很大的
In this paper, the fact is revealed that the surface elevation of the third order Stokes waves in implicit form could have no solution or have simultaneously a
Monitoring of the South China Sea is always one of the focuses in the field of ocean engineering for its particular geographic position. The modal wave number t
<正> 十一月二十六日天津金融学会秘书处召开《社会集资问题》理论讨论会。出席会议的有,市工商银行、农业银行、建设银行、人民银行的有关处室、和天津财经学院等理论研究和
<正> (一)人与自然界的斗争,是社会生产力发展的重要条件。自然灾害和意外事故则往往造成社会生产力的破坏和物质财富的损失。所以,任何一个社会制度,为了维持简单再生产和进
In this paper, the control method for fixed offshore platforms using semi-active tuned liquid column damper (TLCD) is presented. The equation of motion for the
<正> 一、资金的“总闸门”控制在人民银行总行,而资金的调剂和管理必须放在人民银行的一、二级分行,正确地解决好条条块块的关系。中央银行要控制和掌握全国的信贷资金,要根