贯彻“三个代表”的要求 ,大力加强边防干部队伍建设 ,要解放思想、更新观念 ,不断提高“识才、用才、爱才、聚才”水平 ;要坚持党管干部的原则 ,确保公安边防部队“打得赢 ,不变质” ;要坚持“公开、平等、竞争、择优”的原则 ,积极稳妥地推进边防干部工作改革 ;要贯彻“严格要求、严格教育、严格管理、严格监督”的方针 ,建立健全边防干部队伍监督制约机制 ;要树立高度的使命感和紧迫感 ,加快选拔、培养和使用年轻干部
To implement the requirements of the “three represents,” we must vigorously step up the ranks of border cadres and strive to emancipate our minds, update our concepts, and continuously raise the level of “knowledge, talent, love and talent.” We must uphold the principle of the party governing cadres and ensure that public security The frontier defense forces should “win and not deteriorate.” We must adhere to the principle of “openness, equality, competition and preferential treatment” and actively and steadily push forward the reform of the work of border cadres. We must implement the “strict requirements, strict education, strict management and strict supervision” We must establish a high degree of sense of mission and urgency and speed up the selection, training and use of young cadres