【摘 要】
The diary, as the primary form of junior high school students’ extracurricular training, plays a decisive role in composition training. It does all kinds of accumulation (including the accumulation of language, materials, writing skills, etc.) for the composition, and it is the true record of junior high school life. The essay advocacy should be written with true feelings, truth telling, photo-writing, and truth-telling. Then, first of all, we should show a true self in the diary. Because only truth is the life of diary writing.
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Having read the boo
I.补全单词。1.th sty 2.fr t 3.c ful 4.cert ly 5.wi6.1i en 7.sh t 8.eigh en 9.w ld 10.h vyⅡ.词语释义。1.e not full2.c the students who are in the same class3.W
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Mr and Mrs Jones went to see a film.They could leave 1.__their two-years-old son at home alone,so they took 2.__him with them.When they walked for the cinema,