Measurement Principles of TRIME-TDR System and its Application in Caijiachuan Watershed,the Loess Pl

来源 :Chinese Forestry Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaosun988
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Time domain reflectometry (TDR) is a highly accurate and automatic method for determination of porous media water content and electrical conductivity. This paper focuses on the basic principle of TDR technology and its application in Caijiachuan watershed, the Loess Plateau, China, the composition and structure of a set of TDR-TRIME. The installation, measurement and calibration of TRJME-TDR in the Loess Plateau has been introduced. The factors that can influence the veracity of the measurement by TDR have also been analyzed in the article. Time domain reflectometry (TDR) is a highly accurate and automatic method for determination of porous media water content and electrical conductivity. This paper focuses on the basic principle of TDR technology and its application in Caijiachuan watershed, the Loess Plateau, China, the composition and The installation of measurement of TRJME-TDR in the Loess Plateau has been introduced. The factors that can influence the veracity of the measurement by TDR have also been analyzed in the article.
墨西哥柏原产墨西哥及危地马拉山地。我国中山柏就是从引进的墨西哥柏中,经过20多年筛选出的优良类型。 墨西哥柏适应性强,病虫害较少,生长迅速,树高达25—30米,胸径1米,每
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高速系统设计自动化工具 Board Quest在用于高速系统设计时,能同时优化多个方面的系统性能,包括时序、信号集成、电磁干扰(EMI)、热学性能、可靠性和可制造性。这一工具具有
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