Non-tidal tilt and strain signals recorded at the Geodynamic Observatory Moxa, Thuringia / Germany

来源 :Geodesy and Geodynamics | 被引量 : 2次 | 上传用户:yjf987
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Since end of the 90s of the last century the seismological station Moxa was extended and developed into the modern Geodynamic Observatory. It comprises also the new installation of borehole-tilt meters in front of the observatory building and laser-str
摘要:如何调整和改变教学方式,从而让学生主动参与,自主学习,为其未来的发展奠基,对于今天大力倡导课改背景下的每一位语文教师来说,无疑是一个困难而又必须尽快切实解决的问题。  笔者认为,只要教师能从有效激励和赏识学生、努力创设实践活动、切实优化小组合作学习等方面努力思考、积极实践,就一定能够增强同学们的参与意识,逐步实现学生自主学习。  关键词:参与;自主;增强;实现  时光荏苒,转瞬间,积极倡导“
The Burris Gravity Meter~(TM) manufactured by ZLS Corporation, Austin/Texas, USA, is based on the invention of L&R(L. LaCoste and A. Romberg): The ZLS(zero-length spring). A digital feedback system(ra
The previous operation of the ZLS-Burris gravity meter using a PDA already provides a significant improvement of the operation of a metal spring gravity meter. But in the practical field work the obse