OCLC的极客图书馆宣传活动在2009年和2010年进行试点运行,现在已覆盖全美所有的公共图书馆,近日收到来自盖茨基金会726 000美元的额外赞助,为这项运动的继续运行提供了支撑,为现在正在参加这项运动的图书馆提供了帮助,使得OCLC能够和更多的公众图书馆合作举办这项运动。这项资金确保了参与活动的图书馆一直到2013年6月都能够深入到当地社区去工作“我们很高兴能够继续支持图书馆进行极客图书馆覆盖全国的运动。”OCLC全球营销副总裁Cathy De Rosa说,“让公众意识到图书馆服务的重要作用是非常重要的我们很需要资金的支持,非常感谢盖茨基金会对图书馆和极客图书馆项目的
OCLC’s geek library campaign, piloted in 2009 and 2010, now covers all public libraries across the country and recently received additional sponsorship from the Gates Foundation for $ 726,000 to continue the campaign Provided support for the libraries now participating in the campaign, enabling OCLC to organize the campaign in collaboration with more public libraries. This funding ensures that participating libraries are able to reach out to their local communities as of June 2013 ”We are pleased to continue to support the library’s geo-library nationwide campaign.“ ”OCLC Global Marketing Associate Cathy De Rosa, president, said, "It’s important to make the public aware of the important role of library services. We really need financial backing, and we’re grateful to the Gates Foundation for its library and geek library projects