48题:简要说明18世纪——19世纪中叶法国社会经济和阶级关系的主要变化,并根据这种变化分析1789年革命与1848年二月革命的主要不同之处。 此题的题干由两部分组成,层次是明显的,1.社会经济和阶级关系的主要变化。2.据此比较1789年和二月革命不同点。从问答题的类型看,属于分析比较题。第一部分的提示语“说明”,要求“说明”的是“主要变化”,脱离18世纪—19世纪中叶法国社会经济和阶级关系的对比,也就无从说明这种变化。所以此题主要考查考生的分析、概括、比较和评论能力。能力要求6:“归纳、比较和概括历史知识”;能力要求7:“把历史事件、人物、观点放在特定的历史条件下进行分析和评价”。根据提问,要求回
Question 48: Briefly describe the main changes in the socio-economic and class relations of France in the 18th century – mid-19th century, and analyze the main differences between the Revolution of 1789 and the February Revolution of 1848 based on this change. The title of this question consists of two parts, the level is obvious, 1. The main changes in social economy and class relations. 2. Based on this comparison of the differences between the revolutions of 1789 and February. From the type of question and answer question, it belongs to analysis and comparison questions. The first part of the “speech” in the “problem” and the “main change” in the “instruction” require no comparison between French social economy and class relations in the mid-18th century and the 19th century. So this question mainly examines the examinee’s ability to analyze, summarize, compare and comment. Ability requirement 6: “Induct, compare, and summarize historical knowledge”; Ability requirement 7: “Analyze and evaluate historic events, people, and viewpoints under specific historical conditions.” According to the question, request back