如果您正置身于药品零售行业,如果您是中国药店杂志的热心读者,或者您只是关心药店的一个网友,这里有一片完全属于您的园地——一片业务交流的净土,一片即时沟通的时空——她是中国药店网络论坛! 如果您是一名药师或医师,对药学服务情有独衷,不妨到论坛专区“药师沙龙”做客,相信专业的交流会给您带来意想不到的收获; 如果您是一名店长或柜组长,对门店经营管理小有体会,就请在论坛专区“我做店长”中说出来吧,切磋与共,分享经验; 如果您是一名店员,一天的辛苦工作发现或经历一件乐事、抑或是遭受委屈,也到版
If you are in the pharmaceutical retail industry, if you are an avid reader of Chinese pharmacy magazines, or if you are just a netizen who cares about the pharmacy, there is a piece of land that belongs to you - a pure land for business exchange and an instant communication - - If you are a pharmacist or physician who has a passion for pharmacy services, you may wish to visit the forum section “Pharmacist Salon” guest, I believe professional exchange will bring you unexpected results; if you Is a manager or cabinet manager, a small business management experience, please forum say “I do the manager,” say it, learn from the total, to share experience; if you are a clerk, a day of hard work Discover or experience a pleasure, or suffer grievances, but also to the version