“Chen Bin monitor really high! Race back ’good back’ business trip! ” “Good! Key moment can not afford to ’chain’! ” September 4 morning break, Anhui Electric Construction Company Mechanized repair workshop fitter class teacher’s argument, causing the author’s curiosity. “Good back” is to prevent the phenomenon of hunchback, myopia and other correction bands, Chen Bin almost forty, Department of this thing why? This hot day with it travel, cover shuttlecock? Things have to from last month The company’s Shanxi Xinzhou project in late ten main transformer unloading truck put in place. Main transformer unloading truck in place need fitter master rush past the jack and putter. Because of this operation is unusual, not only courageous, good psychological quality, but also have excellent hydraulic technology. Jack, putter hydraulic pipelines such as cobwebs, into the oil back to their own way, the connection can not have the slightest mistake, otherwise there will be no