工程概况由中国铁建十七局集团施工的新中梁山隧道是成渝铁路客运专线CYSG-6标段全线控制性工程,位于重庆枢纽内。该隧道左右线分修,其中左线长4 124 m,右线长4 119 m,两线间距19~65 m,最大埋深270 m,最小埋深4.7 m,隧道标准断面60 m2,最大断面为190 m2。隧道自2010年12月进洞施工,左、右线隧道分别于2013年12月和2014年3月贯通。
Project Overview Xinzhongliangshan Tunnel, constructed by the China Railway Construction Corporation and the 17th Bureau Group, is a full-scale controlled project of the CYSG-6 tendering section of the Chengdu-Chongqing Railway Passenger Dedicated Line. It is located in the hub of Chongqing. The left and right lines of the tunnel are subdivided. The left line is 4 124 m long and the right line is 4 119 m. The distance between two lines is 19-65 m. The maximum depth is 270 m. The minimum depth is 4.7 m. The standard section of the tunnel is 60 m2. It is 190 m2. The tunnel has been under construction since December 2010 and the tunnels on the left and the right have been completed in December 2013 and March 2014 respectively.