在为小班语言课选教材时,我发现了《小池塘》这首儿歌: 小池塘, 藏月亮, 鱼儿睡在蓝天上。小青蛙, 瞪眼瞧, 乐得呱呱把歌唱。风儿吹, 水儿荡, 摇得月亮轻轻晃。我觉得这首儿歌很有情趣,不但意境美,语言美,而且儿歌里有许多常识性的知识。但整首儿歌表现得比较含蓄,如果把这首儿歌原封不动地拿来教,小班幼儿在理解上有一定的困难。为了增强孩子们的学习兴趣,学习儿歌的优美语言,了解简单的自然现象,正确地掌握知识,我根据这首儿歌的基本内容,自编了
When I was teaching materials for small classes, I found the song “Little Pond”: a small pond, a hidden moon and a fish sleeping on the sky. Little frog, staring, happy to sing. Wind blowing, water children swing, shake the moon gently Akira. I think this first song is very interesting, not only artistic beauty, beautiful language, and children’s songs there are many common sense knowledge. However, the performance of the whole childrens songs is more subtle. If this song is used to teach the children’s songs intact, the children in small classes have some difficulties in understanding. In order to enhance the children’s interest in learning, learning the beautiful language of children’s songs, understanding simple natural phenomena and correctly mastering knowledge, I compiled the basic content of this first song