斑蟊多见于我国北方及欧洲,(1)我国南方也有,如江南的大斑蟊及台湾的小斑蟊。(2)斑蟊系昆虫纲鞘翅目地胆属芫青科(或斑蟊科)的一种甲虫,科学名称为Mylabris,产于苏联的品种名为Mylabris Cichorii,产于我国的品种为Mylabris Phalarate。这种昆虫远在2000年前即已做药用,Hippocrates曾用其治疗水肿。《本草纲目》对斑蟊的命名及形态描述已相当具体,如“斑言其色,蟊言其毒如蟊刺也”“斑猫所在有之,七八月大豆叶上甲虫也,长五六分,黄墨斑纹,乌腹尖喙,就叶上采取阴干用”。该甲虫因出现在不同时间,在祖国的医书里有许多不同的名称,如弘景曰“此虫五变,主疗皆相似,2~3月在芫花上即呼为芫青,4~5月在王不留行草上
Cantans are more common in northern China and Europe, (1) there are also southern China, such as the southern China’s mackerel and Taiwan’s mackerel. (2) Coccinellidae Insects class Coleoptera Gallbladder (or Calycidae) a beetle, scientific name is Mylabris, produced in the Soviet Union is called Mylabris Cichorii species, produced in China Mylabris Phalarate. The insect was medicinal far more than 2,000 years ago, and Hippocrates used it to treat edema. “Compendium of Materia Medica” on the name and morphological description of the canton has been quite specific, such as “the speckles of its color, 蟊 words of its toxic as 蟊 thorns also” “taboo where there are, July and August soybean leaf beetle also, Minute, yellow ink markings, beak beak, on the leaves to take dry use. ” The beetle appeared at different times, there are many different names in the medical books of the motherland, such as Hong Jing said "this worm five changes, the main therapy are similar to 2 to 3 months on the call of Daphne gensis green, 4 ~ In May the king does not leave the grass