黄秋葵 ,为锦葵科锦葵属一年生草本植物。随酿造、食品工业的发展和绿色保健食品的开发研究 ,人们对黄秋葵的利用价值又有新的认识。1综合利用价值高1.1营养价值 据测定 ,黄秋葵嫩果每 10 0 g含蛋白质 2 .0~ 2 .5g ,脂肪 0 .1~ 0 .2 g ,糖类 2 .7g ,碳水化合物 6 .3g ,
Okra, for the Malvaceae Malva is an annual herb. With the brewing, the development of the food industry and the development of green health food research, people have a new understanding of the utilization value of okra. 1 comprehensive utilization of high value 1.1 Nutritional value According to the determination of Okra tender fruit per 100 g protein 2.0 ~ 2.5g, fat 0 .1 ~ 0 .2 g, sugar 2 .7g, carbohydrates 6 .3g,