设备管理制度是黄金矿山设备管理档案资料之一,其好坏直接影响到设备管理是否规范、到位和稳定的问题。本文就目前企业设备管理制度建立存在的一些问题谈一下个人看法。1 存在的问题(1)采购设备缺乏长远规划,随意性大。购进设备没有科学选型论证,所选设备技术上不是很先进,维修不方便,运行安全可靠性差。(2)设备检查的程序、责任叙述、责任落实不明确,检查发现的问题、整改措施及复查验收内容不明确,可操作性差。(3)维护修理制度没有把维护费用与经济效益联系起来,只着眼于恢复设备的物理性能。主要表现在对
Equipment management system is one of the gold mine equipment management files, the quality of a direct impact on equipment management is standard, in place and stable. This article on the current establishment of enterprise equipment management system to talk about some of the problems existing personal views. 1 problems (1) the lack of long-term procurement of equipment planning, randomness. The purchase of equipment without scientific selection argument, the selected equipment is not very advanced technology, maintenance inconvenient, poor operational safety and reliability. (2) equipment inspection procedures, accountability, accountability implementation is not clear, check the problems found, corrective measures and review the contents of the inspection is not clear, poor operability. (3) The maintenance and repair system does not link the maintenance costs with the economic benefits, and only focuses on the restoration of the physical properties of the equipment. Mainly in right