The year-on-year GDP growth of 7.4% in the first quarter of this year was slightly higher than the 7.3% consensus of the market but slower than the 7.7% growth in the fourth quarter of last year, the lowest level in 20 quarters. There is no shortage of worries in the market, but at the Boao Forum, Premier Li Keqiang still said: We will not adopt a short-term strong stimulus policy for the temporary fluctuations of the economy. Instead, we will pay more attention to the sound and medium-term healthy development. What is more and more clear is that at this stage it is necessary to abandon the old thinking that the government will release excitements when the economy is in a decline. In the current focus on quality, based on the long-term regulatory background, the most difficult thing is to break the inertia dependence, the real emancipation of the mind. Do not you ever see, the paradigm of China’s economic growth has changed, and the slower but more qualitative growth begins to take shape.