近日,索贝接连中标湖北广电长江云融媒体“内容生产与演播室播出系统互联及支撑服务”“内容生产工具”两大项目。项目基于HIVE架构建设媒体服务平台,采用开放的互联网技术和通用的IT产品,提供多种制作手段和工具,为业务的敏捷变化提供最优平台。通过引入“云网混编”“集群演播”等生产模式,支撑湖北经视、电视新闻中心、长江云协同生产,提高长江云内容生产能力。项目采用基于多种互联网技术(Docker、No SQL、分布式框架等)的HIVE架构进行设计,其中关键的Pool技术有效地实现
Recently, Sobey won the bid for Hubei Radio and Television Yangtze River Yunrong Media “content production and studio broadcast system interconnection and support services ” “content production tools ” two major projects. The project builds a media service platform based on HIVE architecture and adopts open Internet technologies and common IT products to provide a variety of production tools and tools to provide an optimal platform for agile business transformation. Through the introduction of “mixed cloud network” “cluster ” and other production modes, support for Hubei TV, television news centers, the Yangtze River Cloud collaborative production, improve the Yangtze River cloud content production capacity. The project was designed with an HIVE architecture based on a variety of Internet technologies (Docker, No SQL, Distributed Framework, etc.), with the key Pool technology effectively implemented