目的了解玉溪市城区中学生超重和肥胖等常见病的现状,为进一步做好学校常见病防治提供依据。方法抽取初中3所,高中2所,12~19岁6 988名在校学生进行健康监测。结果玉溪市中学生超重和肥胖处于流行前期;近视居高不下;防龋形式依然严峻。结论教育和培养良好的生活方式。
Objective To understand the prevalence of common diseases such as overweight and obesity among urban middle school students in Yuxi city and provide the basis for further prevention and treatment of common diseases in schools. Methods Three junior high schools, two senior high schools and 6 988 students aged 12-19 years were selected for health monitoring. Results Yuxi middle school students in overweight and obesity in pre-popular; high myopia; anti-caries form is still grim. Conclusion Education and fostering a good lifestyle.