目前,在造纸生产中有许多参数需要测量,其中,温度是一个重要的参数。因此,正确选用测温仪表显得很重要。 1 测温元件的选择 温度测量元件目前使用较广泛的仍然是热电偶和热电阻。 1.1 热电偶 热电偶作为测温元件,具有很多优点:反应速度较快,传送到测温仪表的距离基本上不受限制,量程
At present, there are many parameters to be measured in the production of paper, of which temperature is an important parameter. Therefore, the correct choice of temperature measurement instrument is very important. A temperature measurement device selection Temperature measurement components are still widely used is still a thermocouple and thermal resistance. 1.1 Thermocouple Thermocouple temperature measurement as a component, has many advantages: faster response, the distance sent to the thermometer is basically unlimited, the range