龙眼是我国著名的亚热带特产水果 ,由于产期集中 ,市场供应期很短。传统的产期调节方法如利用自然地理气候条件差异、早中晚熟品种搭配等 ,调节幅度和效果很有限。近年来龙眼科研工作者加强龙眼产期调节的研究 ,并在周年开花结果方面取得重大突破。现简介如下。近年 ,台湾的留?
Longan is a famous subtropical fruit in our country, due to the concentrated delivery period, the market supply period is very short. Traditional methods of birth regulation, such as the use of natural and geographical differences in climatic conditions, early and late maturing varieties with adjustment amplitude and effectiveness is very limited. Longan researchers in recent years to strengthen the study of longan period adjustment, and made a major breakthrough in the annual flowering results. Now the introduction is as follows. In recent years, Taiwan’s stay?