国际教育界已把21世纪作为“创造教育的世纪”,为适应这一大背景,我们应结合语文教学培养学生的创造思维能力。 怎样培养学生的创造思维能力呢? 一、指导学生质疑问难 疑是思之始、学之端。有了疑,才能启动创造的闸门,触发想象与思考;敢于质疑,才能发挥聪明才智,发展创造思维能力。 1.在作品的瑕疵处质疑。竣青《党员登记表》中有这样一段文字:黄老妈妈“用她那干枯的手指,挖掘着冻得钢硬的泥土,一会儿。指甲挖掉了,指顶磨
The international education community has made the 21st century a “century of education creation.” To adapt to this background, we should combine Chinese teaching to cultivate students’ creative thinking skills. How to cultivate students’ creative thinking? First, the guidance of students’ quality doubts is the beginning of thinking and learning. With suspicion, we can start the gate of creation, trigger imagination and thinking; dare to question, we can use our intelligence and ability to develop creative thinking. 1. Questioned at the place of the work. In the “Party Member Registration Form” of Du Qing, there is such a paragraph: Huang Lao’s mother “uses her dry finger to dig hard-hardened steel soil for a while. The nails are dug out and the top finger is worn.