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  Shantaram,在印地语中意为“和平之人”。这是作者格里高利·大卫·罗伯兹(Gregory David Roberts)从一位乡下老嬷嬷口中得到的名字,可格里高利的大半人生履历似乎与“和平”都沾不上边。学生时代他是激进的运动分子;25岁婚姻破裂他开始与海洛因相伴,毒瘾致使他拿着仿造手枪去抢劫银行,最终24次的抢劫记录换来19年徒刑;两年半后,他居然逃出戒备森严的重刑监狱,随后流亡印度。八年的流亡岁月里,他住过贫民窟并在那当起免费的医生,他被吸收进黑帮打理各种“买卖”,他甚至加入了宝莱坞电影圈、穆斯林游击队……1991年格里高利在德国被捕入狱,1997年获释出狱后他将自己这段真实的经历写成了《项塔兰》。
  People came out of their huts to stand in every doorway. Dozens, and eventually hundreds, of people crowded into the side-lanes and the occasional gaps between the houses. They were all staring at me with such gravity, such a fixity of frowning intensity, that I felt sure they must bear me enormous ill-will. I was wrong, of course. I couldn’t know then, on my first day, that the people were simply staring at my fear. They were trying to understand what demons haunted my mind, causing me to dread so terribly the place they knew to be a sanctuary from fates far worse than slum life.
  And the fact was that for all my fear of its swarm and 1)squalor, I did know a fate far worse than slum life. It was a fate so bad that I’d climbed a prison wall and given up everything that I knew, everything I was, everything I loved, to escape it.
  “This is now your house, Lin,” Prabaker proudly announced over the giggling and chatter of the children when we reached the hut. “Go inside. See all for yourself.”
  The hut was identical to the others around it. The roof was a sheet of black plastic. The frame was made from thin bamboo poles bound together with coconut-fibre 2)twine. The walls were made from hand-woven reed matting. The floor was bare earth, pressed flat and smooth by the feet of the hut’s previous tenants. The door was a thin piece of 3)plywood dangling on rope hinges. The plastic ceiling was so low that I had to stoop, and the whole room was about four paces long by two paces wide. It was almost exactly the same size as a prison cell.
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When the rain is blowing in your face And the whole world is on your case I would offer you a warm embrace  To make you feel my love  When the evening shadows and the stars appear And there is no one
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你的心总是容易被各种励志故事一把攫住。故事里,主人公患有名字奇怪的疾病,有着一位拥有坚强内心的完美妈妈,身边总有不多但是一定有那么一个真正的朋友,还有一位知识、外貌、人品兼备的精神导师,如此他们才能造就他们的“不同”,喊出振奋人心的口号“Not Stupid, but different.”“Different, not less.”  你自忖以上条件自己均不满足,所以看完电影的你与之前的你并没什