Hamster仓鼠 & Owl猫头鹰

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  学 名:Hamster
  种 属:Cricetidae(仓鼠科)
  体 长:5~12 centimeters
  體 重:30~1000 grams
  食 谱:nuts, seeds, and leaves
  特 长:drill holes(钻洞)
  Hamster likes hiding food in cheeks.
  This is an owl.
  Owl is light brown.
  It’s covered with feathers.
  Owl has two big and round eyes.
  It has a pair of hook claws(钩爪).
  Owl can rotate(旋转)its head and neck as much as 270 degrees(度).
  It likes to sleep in the day.
  Owl likes eating insects and mice at night.
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