
来源 :浙江旅游职业学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:marrylosa123
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长期以来,受城乡发展差距较大、农村创业环境不佳等客观因素的影响,浙江部分地区尤其是偏远山区农村青年远离家乡,来到城镇打工谋生,农业劳动力老龄化、新农村建设缺少有创业能力的知识青年的问题日渐突显。本文重点分析了青年到农村创业就业的现实意义和制约因素,并提出了要搭建青年创业资金扶助平台,加强创业项目引导和培训力度,通过优化政策环境,强化政府服务,大力引导大学毕业生、返乡农民工和留守农村青年把农村作为创业的大舞台、把现代农业作为创业的新领域,以创业带动就业,拓宽农民增收渠道,推进社会主义新农村建设。 For a long time, due to the large gap between urban and rural areas and the poor entrepreneurial environment in rural areas, some rural areas in Zhejiang Province, especially rural youth in remote mountainous areas, far away from hometown came to cities and towns to work and earn a living. The labor force in rural areas is aging. The Knowledge of Ability The problem of youth has become increasingly prominent. This paper focuses on the analysis of the practical significance and constraints of youth to start a business in rural areas, and puts forward the need to build a platform for youth venture capital support, strengthen the guidance and training of entrepreneurship projects, optimize the policy environment, strengthen government services and vigorously guide college graduates, Returned migrants and left-behind rural youth take rural areas as a big stage for starting a business. Taking modern agriculture as a new area for starting a business, they take employment as a starting point, broaden the channels for farmers to increase their income, and promote the building of a new socialist countryside.
今年3月初,国务院办公厅下发指导意见,明确了支持众创空间发展,推进大众创新创业的政策措施。春风过处,众创空间在政府、市场花开两枝,热闹非凡。  据记者了解,目前济南有众创空间20余家。在普遍缺乏清晰盈利模式的当下,他们的生存现状如何,对未来又有哪些期许?在这些平台上,创业企业与天使投资们又如何考量?  从哺乳工具到导弹弹射器:  济南众创空间里的创业者和项目  9月1日,记者在圣创空间二楼小茶室见
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