The authors report 10 cases of medulla oblongata treated since 1986, including 2 cases of ependymoma, 2 cases of astrocytoma II, 1 case of glioblastoma, 3 cases of cavernous hemangioma, 1 hemangioblastoma. In 2 cases, the operation was performed with a suboccipital median incision and the craniotomy of the bone window. Generally, the mastoid process out of the bony window, down to the foramen magnum. The first or second cervical spine was removed with a high-speed pneumatic drill. The circulation of cerebrospinal fluid was impaired due to tumor growth. Caused by expansion of the ventricles, increased brain pressure, preoperative placement of lateral ventricle posterior horn drainage device, adjust the pressure. Y-shaped incision after opening the cerebellar medullary pool, release cerebrospinal fluid, if necessary, the cerebellar vermis can be pulled up or to Cut 1.5 cm below for easy exposure. Exogenously grown astrocytoma grows from the bottom of the fourth ventricle to the dorsal