小型化的陆军战术导弹系统陆军战术导弹系统(ATACMS)是目前美国唯一的战术弹道导弹系统,“伊斯坎德尔”是俄罗斯在2006年才正式部署的新型战术弹道导弹(北约给其代号 SS-26)。ATACMS 和“伊斯坎德尔”两种地地导弹都是车载越野机动、单级固体火箭推进的地地战术弹道导弹系统;由于受“中导条约”的限制,两种导弹都是最大射程
Miniaturized Army Tactical Missile System The Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS) is currently the only tactical ballistic missile system in the United States. “Iskander” is a new type of tactical ballistic missile that Russia formally deployed in 2006 SS-26). Both the ATACMS and ISKANDEL land-based missiles are on-board off-road mobile, single-stage solid rocket-propelled ground-to-air tactical ballistic missile systems; both are controlled by the " Is the maximum range