采用点滴法测定了宁夏 4个地区枸杞蚜虫对氰戊菊酯、溴氰酯、氯氰菊酯、氧乐果、久效磷、呋喃丹、灭多威 8种杀虫剂的抗药性 ,结果表明 ,枸杞蚜虫对拟除虫菊酯药剂的抗性以惠农为最高 ,对氰戊菊酯、溴氰菊酯、氯氰菊酯的RR值分别超过 888.1、1 47.9和 491 3.1 ,达高或极高水平抗性 ;中宁、芦花台、平吉堡种群处中低水平抗性 ;对氧乐果产生了 3.5~ 2 1 .8倍的低至中等水平抗性 ;对久效磷、甲基对硫磷、呋喃丹、灭多威处敏感性下降阶段。田间药剂防治试验结果表明 ,烟碱类杀虫剂是防治枸杞蚜虫的理想药剂
The antibacterial activity of wolfberry aphids against 8 insecticides of fenvalerate, cyanogen bromide, cypermethrin, omethoate, monocrotophos, carbofuran and methomyl in four areas of Ningxia was determined by using the drip method. The results showed that wolfberry The resistance of aphids to pyrethroid pesticides was the highest among farmers. The RR of fenvalerate, deltamethrin and cypermethrin exceeded 888.1, 1 47.9 and 491 3.1, respectively, reaching high or extremely high levels of resistance. Ning, Luhuatai, Pinggi Fort population at low levels of resistance; Omethoate 3.5 to 21.8 times the low to moderate level of resistance; monocrotophos, methyl parathion, carbofuran, Methomyl at the Department of sensitivity decreased stage. Field experiment results show that pesticides, nicotine insecticide is the ideal agent to control wolfberry aphids