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八国联军入侵北京时,法国人毛里斯等将西夏文泥金写经《妙法莲华经》6卷掠往法国,伯希和参与其事。其中3卷藏于法国吉美国立亚洲艺术博物馆,其他辗转藏于德国。据该经序言等考证,其由汉文译为西夏文的时间为西夏前期的惠宗时期,后又经校正。该写本为八百多年前西夏时期的古籍。现存法国吉美博物馆的第二、六、八卷,装帧考究,缮写精绝。该经版本为八卷本,与流行的七卷本不同。利用西夏时期的西夏文本和汉文本,可考知八卷本的结构及两种版本所含各品的异同。追溯国内外专家对此文献介绍、研究的历史,伯希和与毛里斯都曾介绍、研究过此经,而清末的鹤龄可能是最早破译此经并取得较大成果的专家,也是近代国内外识读西夏文字的第一人。此后罗福成、邓隆都有新的建树。1932年出版的《国立北平图书馆馆刊》“西夏文专号”刊登了此经卷第一卷首经图和两面序言的照片,保存了珍贵资料。 When the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded Beijing, the Frenchman Maurice et al. Wrote the Western Xia Man Mudscription to France, Percy and his party through the six volumes of “The Lotus Sutra”. Three of them were hidden in the French National Museum of Asian American Art in Jimo, the rest were hidden in Germany. According to the preface and other textual research, its time from Chinese to Western Xiawen is the pre-Western Huishou period, and later corrected. The book is more than 800 years ago, the Western Xia Dynasty’s ancient books. The existing French Jimei Museum of the second, sixth and eighth volumes, elegantly decorated, exquisite writing. The version of eight volumes, with the popular seven different. Using the Xixia and Western versions of the Western Xia Dynasty, we can find out the similarities and differences between the eight volumes and the two versions. Trace the domestic and foreign experts on the introduction of the literature, the history of the study, Bosh and Maurice have introduced and studied this, and the late Qing Dynasty Crane Age may be the first to decipher this and achieved greater results of the experts, but also modern domestic Outside the first person reading the Western Xia language. Since then, Luo Fucheng, Deng Long have new achievements. Published in 1932, “the National Library of Peking Library” “Xixia Wen special ” published in the first volume of this volume through the first and second preface photos, save valuable information.
以黄河下游“二级悬河”治理工程为例,探讨了水土保持植物措施布设的原则、树草种选用应考虑的因素以及各防治区植物措施的布设方式,供同类工程治理参考。 Taking the treat
为了研究施用有机肥对高山嵩草草甸地上生物量的影响,试验以称多县典型高山嵩草草甸为研究对象,设8组,A1、A2、A3、A4、A5、A7组施有机肥480,320,160,80,40,65 g/m2,A6组施尿
目的:观察FK506对大鼠小肠移植排斥反应bcl-2/bax表达及预后的影响方法:选用近交系F344/N(RT Ⅰ1)和Wistar大鼠进行全小肠异位移植,随机分为对照组、同基因移植组(F344/N-F34