《西城故事》是伯恩斯坦最著名的音乐剧,作于1957年。该剧系根据罗密欧与朱丽叶的爱情故事,用音乐处理成现实生活中的事情。脚本为斯蒂芬·桑德海姆编写。故事被安排在纽约的一个小小的贫民区——西区(即作品名中的 West Side)。原来的罗密欧与朱丽叶在该剧中由上层沙龙中的人物变成了普
Westlife Story is Bernstein’s most famous musical for 1957. The play is based on the love story of Romeo and Juliet, with music into real life things. The script was written for Stephen Sandheim. The story is arranged in a small slum in New York - West End (the name of the West Side). The original Romeo and Juliet in the play by the figures in the top salon into a general