Textural Evolution of AZ31B Magnesium Alloy Sheets Undergoing Repeated Unidirectional Bending at Roo

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lych001
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In this paper, repeated unidirectional bending (RUB), was applied to improve the texture of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheets so as to enhance their stamping properties. The samples undergoing RUB were annealed at different temperatures. The mechanical properties, formability, textural components and microstructure of the samples before and after RUB were characterized and compared. It was found that the basal textural component was reduced dramatically by RUB, and that (12ˉ12) and (12ˉ11) textural components appeared. Annealing has a great effect on the mechanical properties of samples undergoing RUB. The plasticity and stamping formability of samples were greatly improved by RUB and annealing at 260?C for 1 h, and elongation to fracture and Erichsen value were increased to 38% and 67%, respectively. In this paper, repeated unidirectional bending (RUB), was applied to improve the texture of AZ31B magnesium alloy sheets so as to enhance their stamping properties. The mechanical properties, formability, textural components and microstructure of the samples before and after RUB were characterized and compared. It was found that the basal textural component was reduced dramatically by RUB, and that (12ˉ12) and (12ˉ11) textural components appeared. undergoing RUB. The plasticity and stamping formability of samples were greatly improved by RUB and annealing at 260 ° C for 1 h, and elongation to fracture and Erichsen value were increased to 38% and 67% respectively.
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我跟随妈妈从急流小溪来到了宽阔的河段。在这里,阳光透过波光粼粼的水面,照射到宽阔的河床。一些小虫蹬着腿在水草丛中窜来窜去,于是我收起双鳍用力一甩尾冲到河底,追逐着那些小虫。  正当我张着嘴就要将前面拼命蹬腿逃跑的一只小虫吞并时,突然从右侧窜来一张长着马蹄形厚嘴唇的大嘴,闪电般将小虫一下吸入口中,我的嘴却着着实实地撞到了它那刚刚闭合的厚嘴唇上,趔趄的我差点就翻跟头了。  “嘿嘿嘿!看着点儿!小乡巴佬