本文对43例男性不育症精液pH,蛋白质、镁、钙元素进行了测定,现将有关结果分析如下: 材料与方法 1.研究对象:病例组:43例,年龄23~38岁,平均年龄27岁。所有病例均系结婚多年未育,精液常规检查均表现不同程度的异常,女方检查生育功能正常。根据精液中有无精子又分两组,少精组:32例;无精组:11例。对照组:15例,均为健康生育者。 2.研究方法:标本采集及处理:一般由病人禁欲一周后以手淫方式采集。精液标本采集后,置于35~37℃水浴箱内液化。先
In this paper, 43 cases of male infertility semen pH, protein, magnesium, calcium were measured, the relevant results are as follows: Materials and methods 1. Study: Case group: 43 cases, aged 23 to 38 years, mean age 27 years old. All cases were married for many years without fertility, semen routine examination showed varying degrees of abnormalities, the woman check fertility normal. According to the presence of sperm in the semen also divided into two groups, less fine group: 32 cases; azoospermia: 11 cases. Control group: 15 cases, are healthy childbearing. 2 research methods: specimen collection and processing: generally by the patient abstinence a week after acquisition by masturbation. Semen samples collected, placed in 35 ~ 37 ℃ water bath liquefaction. first