天将午,饥肠响如鼓 1934年,中央苏区红军实行战略转移,留下陈毅等人继续坚持赣南游击战,条件异常艰苦。吃什么?吃在山里。吃野菜,吃竹笋,吃梅, 吃蛇……靠山吃山,不仅可以采野果,还可以打野猪,打山鸡,挖马蜂窝。大蜂窝里,蜂蛹多得很, 用竹蔑背篼护着头脸,把蜂窝一烧,马蜂飞走,把幼虫挖出来,在锅里一炒,跟蚕蛹一样香脆,做汤吃,白得像牛奶。平日里缺粮断炊是常有的事,对这样的生活,陈毅不以为苦,特别作《赣南游击词》豪迈抒怀:
In the afternoon of noon, as the drums of grunts, the Red Army in the Central Soviet Area implemented a strategic shift in 1934, leaving Chen Yi and others to continue their guerrilla war in southern Jiangxi. The conditions were extremely difficult. What to eat? Eat in the mountains. Eat wild vegetables, eat bamboo shoots, eat plum, eat snake ... eat the mountain by backcross, not only wild berries, but also wild boar, pheasant, ditch hornet’s nest. Large beehive, pupae are very much, with bamboo contempt back to protect the head and face, the honeycomb burning, flying away the wasp, the larvae dug out, a fried in the pot, as crisp with pupae, soup to eat, white Like milk. Weekdays lack of food and cooking is common, for such a life, Chen Yi do not think hard, especially as “Gannan guerrilla” heroic expression: