今年,河池市国营工业实现了产销两旺,效益稳定增长。1~8月,国营工业企业完成总产值1993.86万元(80年不变价,下同),占年计划的77.64%,实现税利 312.34万元,分别比去年同期增长17.92%和22.72%。其主要做法是:一、对现有企业进行挖潜改造,提高经济效益。该市从1985年以来,投入1759万元,对全市12个国营工业进行技术开发和改造,使这些老企业得到更新,形成全市工业主要支柱。如市农机厂先后投资528万元改造农用小挂车生产线和开发方向盘式小型拖拉机,使这两项产品成为该市拳头产品,取得
This year, the state-owned industrial enterprises in Hechi achieved a boom in production and sales, and their profits have increased steadily. From January to August, state-owned industrial enterprises completed a total output value of 1993.86 million yuan (80 years of constant price, the same below), which accounted for 77.64% of the annual plan, and achieved a tax profit of 3,123,400 yuan, an increase of 17.92% and 22.72% respectively over the same period of last year. Its main methods are: First, tap existing potential enterprises to improve their economic efficiency. Since 1985, the city has invested 17.59 million yuan to carry out technological development and transformation of the 12 state-owned industries in the city, and these old enterprises have been renewed to form the main pillar of the city’s industry. For example, the City Farm Machinery Factory has invested 5.28 million yuan in the transformation of the agricultural trailer production line and the development of a small steering wheel tractor, so that these two products have become the city’s competitive products.