县医院制剂室,担负全院大输液供应,质量问题 非同小可。它关系到用药的安全,也是保障病员早日恢复健康的关键。我院大输液自软包装投产一年来,质量有了很大提高。20%甘露醇注射液在临床上应用广泛,用于降低眼压、颅内压、利尿及防治早期急性肾功能衰竭。因在配制过程中保存或在温度较低的环境下易析出结晶而给配制和临床应用造成不便与困难,通过实践摸索出了以下影响因素及解决方法,供同行参考。
County hospital preparation room, responsible for the hospital infusion supply, the quality of the problem is no trivial matter. It relates to the safety of medication, but also to protect the patient as soon as possible to restore health. Large infusion since the flexible packaging production in the past year, the quality has been greatly improved. 20% mannitol injection is widely used clinically to reduce intraocular pressure, intracranial pressure, diuresis and prevention of early acute renal failure. Due to the preparation of the process of preservation or in the lower temperature environment is easy to precipitate out of the preparation and clinical application of the inconvenience and difficulty, through practice to explore the following factors and solutions for peer reference.