开滦煤矿始建于1878年,迄今已整整120年。早在1876年北洋大臣、直隶总督李鸿章就派唐廷枢到开平一带勘察煤铁矿务。1878年7月24日,“官督商办”的“开平矿务局”正式成立。 1901年,开平矿务局为英国人所骗占,改称“开平矿务有限公司”。1906年,清政府直隶总督袁世凯又派周学熙开始创办“北洋滦州官矿有限公司”。1912年6月1日,开平、滦州两公司签定“联合”经营合同,在天津成立“开滦矿务总局”。
The Kailuan coal mine was built in 1878 and has so far been a full 120 years. As early as 1876, Beiyang Minister and Zhili Governor Li Hongzhang sent Tang Tingshu to investigate the coal-iron minerals in the vicinity of Kaiping. On July 24, 1878, the “Kaiping Mining Bureau” was formally established. In 1901, the Kaiping Mining Bureau deceived the British and renamed Kaiping Mining Co., Ltd. In 1906, Yuan Shikai, the Governor of the Qing government, sent Zhou Xuexi to start Beiyang Yuzhou Bureau Corporation Limited. On June 1, 1912, two companies, Kaiping and Cangzhou, signed a “joint” operation contract and established the “Kailuan Mining Bureau” in Tianjin.