历史的巨轮滚滚向前,傲然的时光不容蹉跎。沉重也罢,悲壮也罢,共和国在礼炮声中度过她45岁华诞。 精卫填海,大禹治水,愚公移山,虎门焚烟,其间流淌着的是炎黄的血液;岳飞将“精忠报国”刺进历史的背脊,鲁迅弃医从文并使手中那支笔成为永恒,其间燃烧着的是爱国的情节;当五星红旗在南极上空飘扬时,当一所所希望小学温暖陌生的目光时,当亿万男儿为一场球赛的失利泣不成声时,历史回响起同一个声音:爱我中华! 从昨天到今天,从今天到明天,一样的山水,一样的月光,一样的我和你,一样的主题——祖国即是我的母亲。一条大河波浪翻,风吹稻花香两岸……龙的传人,龙的故事,必将永生不灭,奔腾向前!
The history of the wheel rolling forward, proud time can not shy. Heavy worth mentioning, tragic worth mentioning, the Republic of China in the gun salute spent her 45th birthday. Jingwei reclamation, Dayu flood control, Yugong Yishan, Humen burning tobacco, during which is flowing yellow blood; Yue Fei will be “dedicated to serve the country,” piercing the back of history, Lu Xun abandoned medicine and make the pen in the hand to become eternal, During the burning of the patriotic plot, when the Five-Star Red Flag flutters over Antarctica, when a hopeless primary school is strangely warm and unfamiliar, when hundreds of millions of men cry for the loss of a game, history echoed the same voice: Love me China! From yesterday to today, from today to tomorrow, the same landscape, the same moonlight, same me and you, the same theme - the motherland is my mother. A wave of the river turned, the wind blowing rice floral incense both sides ... ... Dragon’s successor, the story of the dragon, immortalized immortality, Pentium forward!