近年来,我县单季杂交晚稻误用草甘膦引起药害时有发生,产量损失80%~100%。为减轻损失,县植保总站、长街镇农技站等单位,对低浓度草甘膦引起单季杂交稻药害病状及药害后挽救措施进行了初步观察及探索,可挽回产量损失80%以上,现将结果介绍如下。 1 低浓度草甘膦药害病状
In recent years, the county of single-season hybrid rice caused by misuse of glyphosate occurred from time to time, the yield loss of 80% to 100%. In order to mitigate the losses, the units such as County Plant Protection Station and Longjie Town Agricultural Technology Station conducted preliminary observation and exploration on the symptoms of low-concentration glyphosate-induced single-season hybrid rice and the rescue measures taken after the injury, and could recover 80% The above results are as follows. A low concentration of glyphosate injury symptoms