那天,东方电视台的转播车驶进我们一钢公司物资公司,采访话剧《于无声处》及后来同名电影男主角“欧阳平”扮演者张孝中,准备在《星期五档案》专栏播出时,我心里就琢磨着,作为二万多人大企业中的一个艺术人才,他扎根基层、热爱表演,虽经三十年风风雨雨,仍初衷不改且卓有成绩,这段路程,他是怎么走过来的呢? 一 1968年8月26日,当长得浓眉大眼、一副正面人物形象的张孝中,以解放军艺术学院表演专业本科毕业的学历,经黄浦区复员退伍军人安置办公室的安排,进上钢一厂(现宝钢集团上海第一钢铁有限公司)当废钢爆破工时,他曾有过失落情
On that day, the tele-car of Dongfang Television came into our company and interviewed the drama “In Silence Office” and later the film actor “Ouyang Ping” of the same name played Zhang Xiaochong. When I was ready to broadcast on the “Friday Files” column, I was in my heart As wondering, as an artistic talent in the more than 20000 large enterprises, he took root in the grassroots and loved performing. After thirty years of ups and downs, he still did not change his mind and made outstanding achievements. How did he come over this journey? On August 26, 1968, when Zhang Nongzhong, a man with a deep, eye-catching appearance, was educated under the professional performance of the PLA Academy of Art, he went through arrangements of demobilization veterans’ resettlement offices in Huangpu District Steel Plant (now Baosteel Group Shanghai No. 1 Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.) when scrap metal working hours, he had had a loss